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Horses For Sale

Horses For Sale

Tie-Down, Breakaway, Team Roping, Ranch Horses, Rope Horse Prospects, And Broodmares For Sale

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Call for Price

Registered Name: Cats Royal Lucky

Date of Birth: 4/15/2020

Only 3 and NEARLY FINISHED IN HEELING AND BREAKAWAY! Only thing he has not known yet is PRESSURE. Out of CJ. He is big boned and has a nice disposition. Easy to catch and handle. No bite or fight. He has been very easy to start. We have hauled Rambler multiple times just to get him exposed and he has handled it great. He has been ridden in an indoor arena with a loud crowd and speakers, which didn’t bother him. He has been ridden outside of the arena multiple times. He will drag his butt in the ground when you go to stop him. He has a beautiful mane and tail as well. He has been gelded. Started in tie down and heeling.  Futurity Prospect!!!

Rambler Google Drive


Riata Buckle Sale – December 2024 – Las Vegas

Registered Name: Ripped Metal

Date of Birth: 4/25/2020

RIATA BUCKLE NOMINATED. Nice little gelding! He is red roan and very cute. He is super smart and gets around well. He has been started on the sled calf roping and heeling. He is very athletic. He is your next Futurity Prospect!

Rip Google Drive


Call for Price $18,000

Registered Name:(waiting on papers)

Date of Birth:2020

Out of Daisy, by Big Sort. All older siblings are easy to train and are safe for anyone. They have all been natural athletes and great to use all-around.
Full sibs: Big Sort Daisy Doo “Rosie” and Big Sort A Doo “June”

Dandy Google Drive


Call for Price $25,000

Registered Name:waiting on papers

Date of Birth:2019

Sweet grulla filly out of Daisy. She has proven older siblings in tie-down and heeling (Rosie and Red on SOLD page)! Very laid back filly.

Annie Google Drive